5e édition

Independent Publishers and Artists’ Books Salon

Voir les éditions exposées > The towel / The center / Mac donald duck

5e édition du salon SPRINT à Milan - Editeurs indépendants et livres d'artistes

SPRINT _\|/_ Independent Publishers and Artists’ Books Salon

Aims at gathering - in a sustainable environment - a selection of the most interesting artists and experiences of the international independent publishing scene. SPRINT welcomes small projects and articulated productions approaching publishing and research with fresh and unexpected contents, formats and languages. The three-days program features a non-profit book fair, talks, workshops, exhibitions, performance and a fundraising party, as a manifestation of an artistic research. The first edition took place in Milan on 2013

Crédit photos ©Sprint Milano

24 + 25
+ 26.11.17

O' non-profit association Milan
via Pastrengo 12 - 20159 Milano Italy

SPRINT _\|/_

Julie Marchal & Mathilde Barrio Nuevo

© 2024